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时间: 2024-09-20 08:23:40


SQL*Loader is a utility tool provided by Oracle for loading data from external files into Oracle database tables. It is used for bulk data loading and is typically faster than traditional INSERT statements.

SQL*Loader operates by reading data from one or more input files, formatting the data according to the specifications in a control file, and then loading the data into the specified database tables. It supports various data formats such as delimited data, fixed-length data, and data with special characters.

To use SQL*Loader, you need to create a control file that specifies the format of the data and the target database table. The control file contains information such as the location of the input file, the delimiters used, the mapping of input fields to database columns, and any transformations or validations to be performed on the data.

Once the control file is created, you can run the SQL*Loader utility from the command line or through a script. SQL*Loader will read the input file(s), apply the formatting rules specified in the control file, and load the data into the database table(s). It also provides options for handling errors, skipping records, and specifying the commit interval.

SQL*Loader can be a powerful tool for efficiently loading large volumes of data into Oracle databases. It is often used in data migration, data warehousing, and data integration projects.

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