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时间: 2024-09-20 16:54:23


RAG 代表检索增强生成,这是一种用于自然语言处理 (NLP) 的框架,用于提高文本生成的质量和准确性。它结合了两个主要组件:

1. 检索:这部分涉及搜索大型数据集或知识库,以根据给定的查询或输入查找相关信息或文档。它检索可能有助于回答问题或为生成文本提供上下文的最相关信息。

2. 生成:然后,模型使用检索到的信息生成响应或文本。生成通常由预先训练的语言模型(如 GPT)完成,该模型可以将检索到的信息合并到其响应中,使其更加明智和准确。

RAG 模型在拥有准确和最新信息至关重要的场景中特别有用,例如问答、客户支持和研究协助。检索组件有助于将生成建立在事实数据的基础上,从而减少产生错误或幻觉信息的机会。

RAG stands for Retrieval-Augmented Generation, a framework used in natural language processing (NLP) to improve the quality and accuracy of text generation. It combines two main components:

1. Retrieval: This part involves searching a large dataset or knowledge base to find relevant information or documents based on a given query or input. It retrieves the most relevant pieces of information that might help answer a question or provide context for generating text.

2. Generation: Using the retrieved information, the model then generates a response or text. The generation is often done by a pre-trained language model (like GPT) that can incorporate the retrieved information into its responses, making them more informed and accurate.

RAG models are particularly useful in scenarios where having accurate and up-to-date information is crucial, such as in question answering, customer support, and research assistance. The retrieval component helps to ground the generation in factual data, reducing the chances of producing incorrect or hallucinated information.

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