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Appendix A: PuTTY FAQ

时间: 2024-10-19 21:04:42


A.1 引言

A.1.1 什么是 PuTTY?

A.2 PuTTY 支持的功能

A.2.1 PuTTY 是否支持 SSH-2?

A.2.2 PuTTY 是否支持读取 OpenSSH 或 ssh.com SSH-2 私钥文件?

A.2.3 PuTTY 是否支持 SSH-1?

A.2.4 PuTTY 是否支持本地回声?

A.2.5 PuTTY 是否支持存储设置,因此我不必每次都更改它们?

A.2.6 PuTTY 是否支持将其设置存储在磁盘文件中?

A.2.7 PuTTY 是否支持全屏模式,就像 DOS 框一样?

A.2.8 PuTTY 是否能够记住我的密码,这样我就不必每次都输入密码?

A.2.9 是否有选项可以关闭烦人的主机键提示?

A.2.10 您会为 PuTTY 套件编写一个 SSH 服务器,以配合客户端吗?

A.2.11 PSCP 或 PSFTP 能否以 ASCII 模式传输文件?

A.3 移植到其他操作系统

A.3.1 PuTTY 有哪些端口?

A.3.2 有到 Unix 的移植吗?

A.3.3 Unix 移植有什么意义?Unix 有 OpenSSH。

A.3.4 是否有到 Windows CE 或 PocketPC 的端口?

A.3.5 是否有到 Windows 3.1 的端口?

A.3.6 是否有 Mac 的端口?

A.3.7 是否有到 EPOC 的端口?

A.3.8 会有通往 iPhone 的端口吗?

A.4 将 PuTTY 嵌入到其他程序中

A.4.1 SSH 或 Telnet 代码是否可用作 DLL?

A.4.2 SSH 或 Telnet 代码是否作为 Visual Basic 组件提供?

A.4.3 如何使用 PuTTY 从另一个程序中建立 SSH 连接?

A.5 PuTTY 的运作详情

A.5.1 PuTTY 使用什么终端类型?

A.5.2 PuTTY 将其数据存储在哪里?

A.5.3 为什么登录提示旁边会出现小的 PuTTY 图标?

A.5.4 为什么 Plink 开始显示“按 Return 开始会话”?

A.6 HOWTO 问题

A.6.1 我应该使用什么登入名称 / 密码?

A.6.2 我可以在 PuTTY 终端窗口中键入哪些命令?

A.6.3 如何使 PuTTY 启动最大化?

A.6.4 如何创建 Windows 快捷方式以直接启动特定的已保存会话?

A.6.5 如何直接从命令行启动 SSH 会话?

A.6.6 如何在 PuTTY 和其他 Windows 应用程序之间进行复制和粘贴?

A.6.7 如何在 PSCP、PSFTP 和 Plink 中使用 PuTTY 的所有功能(公钥、代理、密码选择等)?

A.6.8 如何使用 PSCP.EXE?当我双击时,它会给我一个命令提示符窗口,然后立即关闭。

A.6.9 如何使用 PSCP 复制名称中包含空格的文件?

A.6.10 我应该运行 32 位还是 64 位版本?

A.7 故障排除

A.7.1 为什么我在 PSCP 中看到“致命:协议错误:预期控制记录”?

A.7.2 我单击了 Colours 面板中的颜色,但该颜色在我的终端中没有改变。

A.7.3 尝试建立 SSH-2 连接后,PuTTY 显示“内存不足”并死机。

A.7.4 尝试传输文件时,PSCP 或 PSFTP 显示“内存不足”并死去。

A.7.5 PSFTP 传输文件的速度比 PSCP 慢得多。

A.7.6 当我运行全彩色应用程序时,我看到黑色区域应该有颜色,反之亦然。

A.7.7 当我更改某些终端设置时,没有任何反应。

A.7.8 我的 PuTTY 会话在空闲一段时间后意外关闭。

A.7.9 当网络连接暂时丢失时,PuTTY 的网络连接超时太快。

A.7.10 当我处理二进制文件时,我在命令行上得到 'PuTTYPuTTYPuTTY'。

A.7.11 当我 cat 二进制文件时,我的窗口标题会变成一个无意义的字符串。

A.7.12 一旦 PuTTY 显示密码提示,我的键盘就会停止工作。

A.7.13 一个或多个功能键在服务器端应用程序中没有达到我的预期。

A.7.14 为什么我看到“无法从...加载私钥”?为什么 PuTTYgen 可以加载我的密钥,但不能加载 PuTTY?

A.7.15 当我连接到 Red Hat Linux 8.0 系统时,某些字符无法正确显示。

A.7.16 自从我升级到 PuTTY 0.54 后,当我运行 screen 时,回滚已停止工作。

A.7.17 自从我将 Windows XP 升级到 Service Pack 2 后,我就不能使用 之类的地址。

A.7.18 PSFTP 命令似乎缺少目录分隔符(斜杠)。

A.7.19 是否要了解“软件导致连接中止”?

A.7.20 我的 SSH-2 会话每隔一段时间就会锁定几秒钟。

A.7.21 PuTTY 无法启动。Windows 声称“应用程序配置不正确”。

A.7.22 当我在 64 位 Windows 系统上将 32 位 PuTTY 放入 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32 时,“复制会话”不起作用。

A.7.23 将 PuTTY 升级到 0.68 后,我无法再连接到我的嵌入式设备或设备。

A.8 安全问题

A.8.1 下载 PuTTY 并在公共 PC 上使用它是否安全?

A.8.2 PuTTY 在系统上留下什么?之后我该如何清理?

A.8.3 为什么 PuTTY 现在支持 DSA,而网站过去常说它有多不安全?

A.8.4 Pageant 不能使用 VirtualLock() 来阻止将私钥写入磁盘吗?

A.9 管理问题

A.9.1 您的网站 putty.org 吗?

A.9.2 您是否希望我为您注册一个更好的域名?

A.9.3 您是否希望 PuTTY 网站提供免费的虚拟主机?

A.9.4 您是否可以从 PuTTY 网站链接到我的网站?

A.9.5 为什么不将 PuTTY 迁移到 SourceForge?

A.9.6 为什么我不能订阅 putty-bugs 邮件列表?

A.9.7 如果 putty-bugs 不是一个通用订阅邮件列表,那是什么呢?

A.9.8 如何向 PuTTY 开发捐款?

A.9.9 我是否可以将 PuTTY 放在封面磁盘上/与其他软件一起分发/等等?

A.9.10 您能否签署一份协议,就 PuTTY 中的安全问题对我们进行赔偿?

A.9.11 您能否签署此表格以授予我们使用/分发 PuTTY 的权限?

A.9.12 您能否给我们写一份正式的 PuTTY 许可通知?

A.9.13 您能为我们签署什么吗?

A.9.14 如果您不签署任何内容,您能否向我们保证您将来不会将 PuTTY 设为闭源?

A.9.15 您能否向我们提供 PuTTY 的出口管制信息/FIPS 认证?

A.9.16 作为我们现有的软件供应商之一,您能否为我们填写此调查问卷?

A.9.17 下载页面上的 sha1sums / sha256sums / etc 文件与二进制文件不匹配。

A.10 杂项问题

A.10.1 PuTTY 是 OpenSSH 的端口,还是基于 OpenSSH 或 OpenSSL?

A.10.2 我在哪里可以买到愚蠢的腻子?

A.10.3 “PuTTY”是什么意思?

A.10.4 “PuTTY”如何发音?

A.1 Introduction 

A.1.1 What is PuTTY? 

A.2 Features supported in PuTTY 

A.2.1 Does PuTTY support SSH-2? 

A.2.2 Does PuTTY support reading OpenSSH or ssh.com SSH-2 private key files? 

A.2.3 Does PuTTY support SSH-1? 

A.2.4 Does PuTTY support local echo? 

A.2.5 Does PuTTY support storing settings, so I don't have to change them every time? 

A.2.6 Does PuTTY support storing its settings in a disk file? 

A.2.7 Does PuTTY support full-screen mode, like a DOS box? 

A.2.8 Does PuTTY have the ability to remember my password so I don't have to type it every time? 

A.2.9 Is there an option to turn off the annoying host key prompts? 

A.2.10 Will you write an SSH server for the PuTTY suite, to go with the client? 

A.2.11 Can PSCP or PSFTP transfer files in ASCII mode? 

A.3 Ports to other operating systems 

A.3.1 What ports of PuTTY exist? 

A.3.2 Is there a port to Unix? 

A.3.3 What's the point of the Unix port? Unix has OpenSSH. 

A.3.4 Will there be a port to Windows CE or PocketPC? 

A.3.5 Is there a port to Windows 3.1? 

A.3.6 Will there be a port to the Mac? 

A.3.7 Will there be a port to EPOC? 

A.3.8 Will there be a port to the iPhone? 

A.4 Embedding PuTTY in other programs 

A.4.1 Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a DLL? 

A.4.2 Is the SSH or Telnet code available as a Visual Basic component? 

A.4.3 How can I use PuTTY to make an SSH connection from within another program? 

A.5 Details of PuTTY's operation 

A.5.1 What terminal type does PuTTY use? 

A.5.2 Where does PuTTY store its data? 

A.5.3 Why do small PuTTY icons appear next to the login prompts? 

A.5.4 Why has Plink started saying ‘Press Return to begin session’? 

A.6 HOWTO questions 

A.6.1 What login name / password should I use? 

A.6.2 What commands can I type into my PuTTY terminal window? 

A.6.3 How can I make PuTTY start up maximised? 

A.6.4 How can I create a Windows shortcut to start a particular saved session directly? 

A.6.5 How can I start an SSH session straight from the command line? 

A.6.6 How do I copy and paste between PuTTY and other Windows applications? 

A.6.7 How do I use all PuTTY's features (public keys, proxying, cipher selection, etc.) in PSCP, PSFTP and Plink? 

A.6.8 How do I use PSCP.EXE? When I double-click it gives me a command prompt window which then closes instantly. 

A.6.9 How do I use PSCP to copy a file whose name has spaces in? 

A.6.10 Should I run the 32-bit or the 64-bit version? 

A.7 Troubleshooting 

A.7.1 Why do I see ‘Fatal: Protocol error: Expected control record’ in PSCP? 

A.7.2 I clicked on a colour in the Colours panel, and the colour didn't change in my terminal. 

A.7.3 After trying to establish an SSH-2 connection, PuTTY says ‘Out of memory’ and dies. 

A.7.4 When attempting a file transfer, either PSCP or PSFTP says ‘Out of memory’ and dies. 

A.7.5 PSFTP transfers files much slower than PSCP. 

A.7.6 When I run full-colour applications, I see areas of black space where colour ought to be, or vice versa. 

A.7.7 When I change some terminal settings, nothing happens. 

A.7.8 My PuTTY sessions unexpectedly close after they are idle for a while. 

A.7.9 PuTTY's network connections time out too quickly when network connectivity is temporarily lost. 

A.7.10 When I cat a binary file, I get ‘PuTTYPuTTYPuTTY’ on my command line. 

A.7.11 When I cat a binary file, my window title changes to a nonsense string. 

A.7.12 My keyboard stops working once PuTTY displays the password prompt. 

A.7.13 One or more function keys don't do what I expected in a server-side application. 

A.7.14 Why do I see ‘Couldn't load private key from ...’? Why can PuTTYgen load my key but not PuTTY? 

A.7.15 When I'm connected to a Red Hat Linux 8.0 system, some characters don't display properly. 

A.7.16 Since I upgraded to PuTTY 0.54, the scrollback has stopped working when I run screen. 

A.7.17 Since I upgraded Windows XP to Service Pack 2, I can't use addresses like 

A.7.18 PSFTP commands seem to be missing a directory separator (slash). 

A.7.19 Do you want to hear about ‘Software caused connection abort’? 

A.7.20 My SSH-2 session locks up for a few seconds every so often. 

A.7.21 PuTTY fails to start up. Windows claims that ‘the application configuration is incorrect’. 

A.7.22 When I put 32-bit PuTTY in C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 on my 64-bit Windows system, ‘Duplicate Session’ doesn't work. 

A.7.23 After I upgraded PuTTY to 0.68, I can no longer connect to my embedded device or appliance. 

A.8 Security questions 

A.8.1 Is it safe for me to download PuTTY and use it on a public PC? 

A.8.2 What does PuTTY leave on a system? How can I clean up after it? 

A.8.3 How come PuTTY now supports DSA, when the website used to say how insecure it was? 

A.8.4 Couldn't Pageant use VirtualLock() to stop private keys being written to disk? 

A.9 Administrative questions 

A.9.1 Is putty.org your website? 

A.9.2 Would you like me to register you a nicer domain name? 

A.9.3 Would you like free web hosting for the PuTTY web site? 

A.9.4 Would you link to my web site from the PuTTY web site? 

A.9.5 Why don't you move PuTTY to SourceForge? 

A.9.6 Why can't I subscribe to the putty-bugs mailing list? 

A.9.7 If putty-bugs isn't a general-subscription mailing list, what is? 

A.9.8 How can I donate to PuTTY development? 

A.9.9 Can I have permission to put PuTTY on a cover disk / distribute it with other software / etc? 

A.9.10 Can you sign an agreement indemnifying us against security problems in PuTTY? 

A.9.11 Can you sign this form granting us permission to use/distribute PuTTY? 

A.9.12 Can you write us a formal notice of permission to use PuTTY? 

A.9.13 Can you sign anything for us? 

A.9.14 If you won't sign anything, can you give us some sort of assurance that you won't make PuTTY closed-source in future? 

A.9.15 Can you provide us with export control information / FIPS certification for PuTTY? 

A.9.16 As one of our existing software vendors, can you just fill in this questionnaire for us? 

A.9.17 The sha1sums / sha256sums / etc files on your download page don't match the binaries. 

A.10 Miscellaneous questions 

A.10.1 Is PuTTY a port of OpenSSH, or based on OpenSSH or OpenSSL? 

A.10.2 Where can I buy silly putty? 

A.10.3 What does ‘PuTTY’ mean? 

A.10.4 How do I pronounce ‘PuTTY’? 

上一个 PuTTY手册 文章列表 下一个 PuTTY 常见问题解答



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