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Family Album CD9 对白

时间: 2024-10-20 18:16:28


A: Hey guys, I was going through our family album and I found some really funny pictures from when we were kids.

B: Oh wow, I haven't seen those in ages! Bring them over, I want to see.

C: Yeah, let's gather around and have a good laugh at our younger selves.

D: Oh no, I hope you didn't find any embarrassing ones of me.

A: Don't worry, I promise to only share the embarrassing ones with everyone.

B: That's not fair, we should all get a chance to embarrass each other.

C: Yeah, let's make it a fair game. We each get to choose one embarrassing picture of each other.

D: Alright, deal. But remember, what goes around comes around.

A: I'll go first. Check out this picture of B wearing a superhero cape and underwear on the outside.

B: Oh man, I totally forgot about that phase. I thought I was invincible.

C: And here's one of D with spaghetti all over his face. Looks like you were really enjoying that meal!

D: Ugh, I can't believe you found that one. I was such a messy eater.

B: Alright, it's my turn now. Here's a picture of A with a bowl haircut. You were quite the trendsetter back then.

A: Oh my goodness, I can't believe I actually thought that haircut looked good.

D: And here's one of C with braces. Look at that smile, you were definitely rocking the metal mouth.

C: Haha, I actually miss those braces. They straightened my teeth so well.

D: Alright, let's not forget about A's fashion sense. Here's a picture of you wearing mismatched socks and sandals.

A: Oh man, I was definitely a fashion disaster. I can't believe I thought that was a good look.

B: And here's one of C with a mullet haircut. Business in the front, party in the back.

C: Oh no, not the mullet! I can't believe my parents let me walk around like that.

A: Alright, one last round. Here's a picture of D with a face full of ice cream. Looks like you really enjoyed that cone.

D: Haha, I still love ice cream just as much as I did back then.

B: And here's one of A with a tooth missing. Looks like the tooth fairy paid you a visit.

A: Haha, I remember being so excited to lose that tooth. I couldn't wait for the tooth fairy to come.

C: Well, that was a fun trip down memory lane. It's nice to look back and laugh at ourselves.

D: Yeah, it's a reminder of how much we've grown and how far we've come.

A: Definitely, and it's also a reminder of the love and laughter we've shared as a family.

B: I'm glad we have these pictures to remind us of all the good times we've had together.

C: Me too. Let's keep adding more memories to our family album.

D: Agreed. Here's to many more years of laughter and embarrassing pictures.

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